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Kid2Pro in the Community


Kid2Pro Sports in the Community

 We thank you for providing us with the resources to help some great organizations such as:


St. Peter's Orphanage

St. Peter’s Orphanage offers a residential treatment program for abused, abandoned or neglected adolescent boys (aged 9-17), with mild to moderate emotional, behavioral, social and/or learning problems.

Through the years Kid2Pro Sports has scheduled a St Peter's Boys Orphanage event for the boys and the entire staff to play at any of our stadiums.  The kids & staff enjoy hearing their names announced over the PA system, playing on the pro stadium field, taking group photos and the all day fun at the stadium. In addition the staff and management make sure every child at St Peters receives multiple gifts at Christmas.


 Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter, Ruffles Rescue, Liberty Humane Society, Monmouth County SPCABARKS,  Old Bridge Animal Shelter Volunteers,

Over the past six years, Kid2Pro Sports has donated numerous goods, services, and dollars to shelters, sanctuaries, and care providers to our furry friends around the Greater New York / New Jersey Area.
We are a proud sponsor of these charities that not only save animal lives but improve the quality of life and care for animals without homes. Please help us in this fight and adopt from your local shelter.


Roberto's Kids, Big Brother & Big Sister,  St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Dave Thomas Foundation

We are proud benefactors to extraordinary children's charities and organizations. These organizations work around the clock to help improve the lives of millions of our youth. We donate, not only money but clothing, sports equipment, and field time to these great institutions.
We encourage everyone to take a moment to appreciate all the wonderful things they have in this world and help some children & families that are less fortunate.


Autism Family Times with Brianna, Inc. 

In the summer of 2012, we scheduled an event for the Autism Family Times organization to  play at one of our pro stadiums. This charity and other special needs charities hold a special place in our hearts.

We donate money and stadium field time to them in loving memory of Cheryl Anne Miller -  our Operations Manager, James Miller's sister.


Clover Stadium
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